Phil Beene, Co-founder / Nudge Coach
We interviewed the head of one of the best coaching companies out there, Anna McMillan of Little Winks Sleep, to learn how they’ve used their white label app to streamline their business and help more parents train their babies sleep through the night.
“It’s been said that you’ll never know what true exhaustion feels like until you become a parent. It's so true!”
This line - from Little Winks’ website - has jumped off the page for me ever since I became a dad. As I write this, my son Leo is 19 months old (and 100 miles an hour).
When I met Anna McMillan, the founder and CEO of Little Winks Sleep, I connected with her story right away.
She and her husband had a foster son who they could not seem to help sleep through the night. And when they had their daughter, and she started exhibiting the same sleep issues, as Anna put it, “We went into panic mode.”
The desperation of needing a solution that could get a decent night’s rest for her little ones (not to mention herself) drove her to become an expert, a trained sleep coach, and eventually a founder of a leading baby sleep coaching company.
“Our sales quadrupled in the last 4 months.”
Anna and her incredible team of certified sleep coaches now help more and more parents train their children to sleep through the night consistently, saving them from stress and helplessness of another sleepless night.
From our side, it’s been a pleasure to get to share in the journey with Anna since they came to us in need of two things:
an app to create a more seamless and engaging customer experience for parents
and a platform for a more streamlined, easier-to-manage coaching experience for her team
Since launching their White Label app and working with the Nudge team, we’ve seen Anna’s confidence in their ability to deliver an exceptional customer experience for parents multiply, and as a result their business has scaled considerably.
“As a creator and owner the app has boosted my confidence in what we are offering to be able to boldly say that it is the best.”
Here’s more about the Little Winks Sleep experience working with Nudge in Anna’s own words:
Interview with Anna McMillan of LittleWinks
What were the core business challenge(s) making it hard to deliver your programs before working with Nudge?
Prior to working with nudge we were at a pivotal point of growth where we needed to improve our customer and client experience where they could feel free in every aspect that this was the best experience.
We had a makeshift system between different platforms and depending on the service it meant they used a combination which made communication challenging, although possible.
With the next level of clients and participants, we needed a smoother way to manage all of them to ensure they got the best success possible.
Because we had multiple platforms it impacted communication, and also caused a lot of internal confusion. It took a lot more time for our coaches and clients to find what they needed.
Did Nudge help solve some of those core business challenges? How? What's different now than before?
It has made a massive difference for our coaches, clients and course participants because it means they have a smooth experience on one platform.
Our customer service has been streamlined, it’s improved parents' ability to engage with their coach and content, and it’s reduced requests for refunds.
Prior to Nudge, I felt like our courses were good content, but the presentation wasn't on point. As a creator and owner the app has boosted my confidence in what we are offering to be able to boldly say that it is the best.
What have been the results so far? Where is your business now in comparison to before you started working with Nudge?
We have scaled in many areas such as marketing and reach while developing our app on the nudge platform.
The impact has been tremendous with our sales quadrupling in the last 4 months in courses and coaches maxed out at their sustainable capacity.
Parents are always impressed we have our own app and that we are always making improvements to what we offer.
How helpful would you say the Nudge team has been on this journey? Has anything surprised you about the support you've gotten?
The Nudge team has been incredibly helpful along the way, and willing to answer my millions of questions, including helping me understand the WHY behind what we can do or adjust.
They have always been open to changes and feedback and have been able to adjust to fit our needs and enable us to grow. I really appreciate the timely responses I get from the team so we can better serve our clients and participants.
I have a lot of respect for the Nudge team as they are growing rapidly, and it has been eye opening to see how complex everything is behind the scenes to make our company look effortless.
What do you feel you/your team do really well using Nudge's tools? What advice or lessons from your experience would be willing to share with other businesses exploring Nudge and/or the white label app direction specifically?
We have loved how customizable it is! We are always changing and adjusting what we do with our company and developing new products so I love that we are able to edit things independently.
Our team does well with the messaging and delivery part of the app, and it has made our customer service and coaching next-level compared to other companies' offerings.
My advice is to be patient, and be savvy. There's always a solution and so we have to know how things work.
By doing the foundational work of setting things up ourselves with the help of Nudge, it really meant I understood what was happening and we could go through phases of improvement. Setting up what we needed for it to function with clients first, then with our courses, and then for sustainable engagement for the lifetime of our clients.
It's not going to be perfect when you first do it, so be patient with yourself, try other ways and ask your clients for feedback!
It's worth the investment, and it's worth the time to really dig deep into this and to customize what you are doing for your clients.
Learn more about Little Winks here
You’ll see some beautiful screenshots of their White Label app from Nudge if you scroll down the page. Learn more about Nudge’s White Label solution here